Hi Tim, Thanks for your reply. So you're a party animal! LOL. >T>I wanted the play on the slang term 'down' (as in those three models are getting down at a party in the billboard). Sorry, not a phrase I know - may be generational; may be cultural; may be just me. >T> I also like the shot, because the two ladies look like they're about to cross the billboard's frame/boundry join that party. Well, from my perspective, a party was not in mind but I see a city with four people elements: 1. The chap sitting - I did not know he was smoking. To me he doe not look like a tramp because he seems well dressed. I took him to be a young student (perhaps) watching the World go-by as one might expect an old man to do. So that was fascinating. 2. The two young ladies briskly walking. They have as much ignorance of the sitter as he has interest in them. 3. The young man, oblivious of all the other elements, about his businss - very purposeful as the women but I sense doing a job. 4. The poster characters, about to exchange their non-existence with the young women. So, for me this was all about the edge of reality; the edge of our perceptions. >T> Or the fact that the young man was sitting down; yet, more importantly, he looked down on his luck. He didn't have that defeated look...that might come later. Well, his face is turned from us - so no idea what his look is. >T> He wasn't panhandling. Sorry, you have me again - I don't know the word. >T> He was just sitting on the sidewalk, resting...or maybe waiting. Not fitting in with the action/energy levels around him. Yes, though I saw his a tad more active - actually observing. (Hey congratulate me - I have heard the word "sidewalk"! - I actually know what it means - there is hope for me yet! :) [UK = "pavement"] >T> I wanted the pic to show this counterpoint. If it doesn't come across, that's fine. Actually, I think your picture shows many counterpoints - between all four elements within the urban-scape. >T> I'm happy with it and that's what matters the most (everyone else liking it is a close second...*wink*). Well, as said, I like it muchly. However, what you just said is precisely what you and I were saying to Diane - the artist must be happy with what they produce - then simply hope others like it too. Cheers Tim and well done and thanks again. p.